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Xena Callisto | Skirt

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Hand made from 60 pieces of leather, 20 feet of leather straps, and 90 rivets! Made custom to fit you. Pattern is taken directly from actual screen-worn costume -100% screen accurate right down to the thread! Guaranteed to make you turn heads.

Custom created to your exact measurments.

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  • 5
    Callisto's Skirt

    Posted by Epiphane on 6th Sep 2020

    I wanted a Callisto's Costume since so many years. It took me a long time to save enough money, until the day I finally could reach to Todd Coyle and order the costume right here. Todd Coyle and his team were extremly listening and kind. It took them several months to complete it, which has challenged my patience haha, but it worth so much the wait and patience now that I received it ! Thank you to Todd Coyle and all the artisans of his team !