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About Us

Todd's Costumes is the brain child of evil genius Todd Coyle.  Todd started making stuff while he was in early elementary school, and Halloween has always been his favorite holiday of the year.  He started Todd's Costumes in 1997 when he decided to sell copies of a Xena costume which he had created for a costume contest.

Originally from Florida, Todd and his family moved to California in 2001.  Being in southern California offered him access to Hollywood prop makers and costumers, professional materials, and exposure to many original props and costumes.  Todd has occasionally taken work at several top Hollywood prop/costume shops including Legacy Effects (formerly Stan Winston Studios).

Today, Todd's Costumes operates out of a small workshop/office just 60 miles north of Los Angeles.  His staff of part-time "helpers" can vary from 0 - 6 people depending on the season.

Todd's Costumes is a way for Todd to recreate costumes and props from his favorite movies.  His professional standards show in the quality of his products.  His fascination with collecting orignal props has influenced his attention to detail and fidelity to the real props and costumes.  But all of it is tempered by his desire to make these things affordable to ordinary people like himself.

Visitors are always welcome!  Please call ahead so they can be ready for your visit.